With a long commute to work and as an avid reader I am hooked on audible. Most of the time the books I get are not on dentistry, but more often self help or business. Recently I listened to an oldie but a really good book The E-Myth. The myth is that we have to be in control of Everything. Learning to out source and delegate are keys to success. Read More
A 1,2,3 Punch For Your Business
At a recent business training meeting for Anytime Fitness my wife and I learned three business tenants, that I knew immediately applied to a owning and running a dental practice. The next step is to figure out how to do all three really well. Attract New Patients Minimize Patient Attrition Maximize Your Office Culture Read More
Write Down Your 2017 Goals
The beginning of a new year for many of us brings with it thoughts of goals for the next 365 days or beyond. Thinking about goals and making them happen are two different things. Thee are some simple exercises that can take your thoughts from not likely to highly probable to happen. Read More
Power of Positive Thinking
One of the keys to success in my practice is positive thinking. There are two ways to set this up. One is to not do negative things like watch the news. The other side is to think of happy memories or to reflect on things that make you happy and positive before you start your day in the office. Read More
Lessons From Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie's book " How to Win Friends and Influence People" has some great advice for how we interact with patients in our practices, clients and even the folks that serve us at the local Starbucks! Read More
Scheduling What’s Important
How do you make sure when life is busy that the important things like family time happen, and don;'t get pushed to the side as you take care of the other pieces of your life that can feel more "pressing"? Read More
Centric Tray Recording
Getting exceptional results with full dentures is about fit and function. No matter how well they fit, if the occlusion dislodges them both the patient and the dentist will be frustrated. Using a Centric Tray is an easy first step in designing an optimized occlusion for fully edentulous patients. Read More
Offering Options
It can be daunting to think about presenting a comprehensive treatment plan, or multiple options. The other side of this coin is the risk of losing a patient because we don't present the treatment option that resonates for them. So how do you stay open to the possibilities on behalf of your patients? Read More