In order to attain the lab results that we strive for in our practices nowadays, elevating our communication skills, and communication methods, is a crucial obligation. An unexpected way to do this is through an illustration or photo of the subject matter related to what we are trying to get across to our team. Read More
Restorative Dental Success with Long-Lasting Incisal Edge Composites
When working with patients seeking high quality restorative dental care, our duty is to provide them with durable, long-lasting restorations. Although in many cases a dental crown is the optimal and final step, we maintain an obligation to provide them with a reliable, enduring, and esthetic, composite. Read More
Maturation, Aging, and Breathing as Destabilizers of the Dental Occlusion
The restorative dentist should become familiar with aging effects on the teeth, their supporting structures, and the occlusion itself. Unmanaged bruxism, orthodontic relapse, periodontitis, and poorly designed dentistry can cause teeth to reposition themselves. But there are other forces at work, as well. Slow growth and continued skeletal maturation of the Read More
Is Your Hygienist Part Of Your Case Acceptance Team?
In this video I will share a story about visiting another dental office which had two active dentists. during my visit I observed how effectively their hygienist was supporting him in helping patients accept treatment. It motivated me to come back to my own practice and more actively engage my hygiene team in this process. Read More
Growth of the Human Face: When is it Complete?
Implant dentistry has introduced an interesting question: When is the growth of the face and jaws complete? Better yet, is it ever actually complete or are there continuous changes throughout life? In this video, I will share some of the current thinking in regard to these questions. Read More
A Lesson About New Patient Interviews From A Shopping Trip
Sometimes we learn the most important lessons, in the most unusual of ways. In this video I will share a story about a trip and a shopping activity and the incredible impact it had on how I do new patient interviews in my dental office. Read More
Observing a Dental Patient’s Chewing Function
When as a treating dentist we think about how how our patient's teeth fit together, we tend to analyze static positions. In this video I will discuss some of the more dynamic ways the teeth interact in different chewing patterns. Read More
Explaining Dentistry In A Way That Patients Understand
Effective communication with dental patients is crucial, as it can feel to them like we're speaking a different language. Numerous factors contribute to the challenges of guiding patients through dental procedures. In this video, I will share some ways I've learned to explain things so that my patients can understand them better. Read More
Dental Crown Contour and Food Impaction
Have you ever had that frustrating experience of a dental patient complaining they are packing food around a new crown or filling, just to find it does snap to floss? In this video, I will share some insights on how the contour of the restoration plays a role in creating or preventing this issue. Read More
Staining and Glazing Ceramic Restorations in Your Office
Many dentists have plenty of artistic ability; they also would like the ability to customize shade characteristics or add porcelain to crowns in their own offices. But this can seem intimidating with modern ceramics. This one hour presentation is designed to help you get comfortable with the possibilities you can create for your patients by using your own Read More