Topical antioxidants are a group of products that I rely on weekly in my dental practice. They are the best products I have come across in my career for oral medicine applications. I use them routinely for Lichen Planus, burning mouth and recurrent aphthous ulcers. In this video I will discuss what antioxidants do and how they work. We will also look at the Read More
Protecting Ceramic Stain & Glaze
The popularity of high strength dental ceramics has increased the number of crowns and veneers that get their esthetic characterization from surface stain and glaze. At the same time our diets have become more acidic and our toothpastes have become more abrasive. Both of these factors are deleterious to the surface stain and surface texture of these Read More
Proxyt is a non-abrasive professional paste for polishing teeth and restorations. Whether your concerned about the durability of the surface of ceramic restorations, tooth wear or root sensitivity the abrasiveness of the professional products we use are a crucial factor. This video will discuss the Relative Dentin Abrasion (RDA) of prophy paste and Proxyt, Read More
Caries Prevention
Caries prevention is a cornerstone of helping our patients maintain their oral health for a lifetime. The process begins with risk assessment and the CaMBRA system will be reviewed and discussed. Once caries risk has been evaluated then a series of preventive strategies can be employed to minimize the risk. Salivary Testing Fluoride At Home Read More